A lot of photographers (including me!) can get quite depressed in "off" weather, typically cloudy and non-sunshine weather is the usual culprit. But given certain circumstances the potential to get amazingly dramatic pictures if often there if you are willing to take the chance with the elements. I have spent a lot of time out in the field and always have my eye on the horizon in 'cloudy' weather as the sun often pops out from behind the cloud just before it sets. This combination of golden light shining on stormy clouds can be fantastic and result in some breathtaking images! This is exactly what happened in the case above when Chris watched the gathering storms being light up by the afternoon light, even though it was raining in the distance perseverence paid off and Chris managed to get quite a dramatic sequence of pictures!
Where: Top of Joina City, Harare, Zimbabwe
How: Nikon D3 and Nikkor 16-35mm lens on a tripod
Settings: ISO 400, f11 @1/15th sec
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