Photography Courses

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Introduction to Photography Day Course

This course is perfect for anyone staring their journey into the realm of photography! I will spend the day delving into the theory of photography,  and how to apply it through your camera’s various manual and semi-manual functions. I will  start at the beginning and set out all the basics in easy to digest modules so no prior knowledge of photography is required to participate in this course. 

What you will need to bring on the course: A bridge or SLR camera is ideal as they have the manual functionality that is essential to getting to grips with the theory, as well as having all the necessary bells and whistles!  Please bring along your camera's manual, a note pad to scribble on and a flash stick to take away the course notes. 

Upcoming Courses; Harare; Saturday 22nd March..

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Introduction to Lightroom

So you have managed to capture a masterpiece with your camera, now what? Even modern day digital picasos have to edit their pictures!  This may seem a formidable challenge when you are confronted by Lightroom’s menus, tools and interface. . I will teach you what you need to know in order to make your great pictures amazing,  without having to spend half the day working on one shot. In this course we will cover the basics of Lightroom that can be applied to any kind of picture, be it your last family holiday snaps or your once-in-a-lifetime trip to the Northern Lights. 

What you will need to bring on the course: Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop, preferably on a laptop; some of your own pics to practice on and your inner techno geek.

Next course: Harare: Sunday 23rd March

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Sunsets and Star Trails

Time to sort out your night vision as you are going to need it for this fantastic course! Hone your sunset photography skills in Harare’s urban wilderness - Haka Park,  and then stay after dark to learn the ins and outs of astro-photography. Learn how to set your camera up to get the best pictures of the stars in all their glory, as well as how to shoot with interval timer settings so you can create mesmerising star trails in post production. A post-production guide to editing your astro-photographs using Lightroom and Photoshop is provided too. 

What you will need to bring: Your camera with a wide angle lenses, preferably with a fast maximum aperture, a tripod, a remote cable release if you have one, sturdy shoes and warm clothes, tea/coffee or a nip of something to keep you warm. 
Cost: $TBA pp which excludes the entry fees into Haka Park.

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Mastering Macro

Delve into the minute world of macro photography and discover the plethora of photographic opportunities waiting for you in your back garden. Using a typical lush Zimbabwean garden I will take you through the techniques required to master the art of Macro photography, be it photographing insects or your beautiful garden roses. 

What you will need to bring: Your camera and macro lens (don't have one -rent one here), tripod, bean bag and picnic blanket so you don't get too dirty!
Cost: $TBA pp which includes tuition and tea.